Saturday, June 18, 2016

SFI Affiliate Program Details

After you sign up as a SFI associate, you will need to login and then start your journey with some lessons named launchpad  in which you can find by clicking the launchpad button. This launchpad have 30 lessons which is actually the lessons and training from SFI. Studying each lessons and resolve it correctly gives you 15 VP and make you understand about SFI overall system.

But, we don't like the program that SFI is teaching to its associates to get benchmark, that is sound your friends, family, inviting Facebook friends etc. That really doesn't do anymore. To make referrals in these kinds of companies, you must have knowledge about Online Retailing and Wealthy Associate is best place to learn everything about Online Retailing. So we suggest you to join Wealthy Associate first and learn about Online Retailing there and only after that join SFI or continue job in it. 

In SFI, to earn consignment from your referrals, you need to become EA (Executive Associate) by earning 1500 VP (Versa Points).  In first month you will easily make 1500 VP by doing simple tasks as listed in their To-Do list section and as well as you can earn 11 VP (Versa Points) from your daily task and 38 VP from your weekly task which is also indexed in To-Do list. To do daily task, you need to go to the SFI Associate home page and from there you can see the tabs like To-Do list, Movers, Stream, Scoreboard, TC, Tips and so on.., and at the ground of those pages you can find blue button where you have to click in order to earn the Versa Points.

Regular task and weekly task will be available continuously in SFI, but from your second month you will get only around 400 Versa Points by doing everyday basis and weekly a tasks. But, you need to earn 1500 Versa Points to be qualified as Executive Associate and earn commissions from your referrals, so for that you must buy products from Triple Clicks. But the best part is that Triple Clicks offers various kind of products which you need in your daily life. So, you can choose any of those products, anything which you want to buy and willing to buy. You will get Versa Points form buying you make in Triple Clicks which will help you to maintain your Executive Associate status in SFI.

So, if your team members also do the same, then you can earn commissions from their buying of products and also the matching VP of your referrals which can be transformed into cash further. Like this you can earn upto 12 genesis members.

The rapid way to earn money in SFI is by selling their products as listed in TripleClicks. For the sale of each product, you will earn commissions directly. You can sponsor your TripleClicks associate link and can earn the commissions instantly if someone buy some products through your associate link. It's same like selling things from EBay, Amazon and many more.

Alike you can auction your own products through TripleClicks, both new and old products, just by becoming ECA (E-Commerce Associate).

The heated aspect of TripleClicks is Auction area where you can win upto $1100+ branded items in just $1 to $2. To play the auction, you need buy the Triple click Credits. Those Triple click Credits will cost $29 per 100 Triple Click Credit and to offer for auction, one time bid needs 1 Triple Click Credit. When you buy that Triple click Credits, your advocate will get earn and the same way you will also earn if your below members purchase those Triple click Credits. Each 100 Triple click Credits purchase also award you 1200 Versa Points directly which will make you very easy to be qualified as an Executive Associate every month. So if you know where to exhibit to auction related comodity then you can bring in a huge delegation from that.

Whenever, do these all these kind of activity, you must have very good expertise to sell particular comodity through particular mediums and get the referrals. So, we again suggest you to join Affluent Associate to learn all about Internet Marketing planning and then only join SFI after you learn from it. 

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